06 Jun DOit 3.56 | Release Notes
This version of DOit includes new columns to make filtering easier.
- External agents can filter documents by an array of statuses using the API REST v2, including:
- Purchase Orders
- Goods Receipts
- Sales Orders
- Shipments
- Invoices
- Added two optional columns “SO#” and “PO#” at Invoices :: In :: List
- Added Reference column in Invoices :: Out :: List and Invoices :: Out :: $ hidden by default.
- Added an optional “Complete Main Address” column on List 1.
- Added Reference column in Sales :: My Sales :: Pending and Sales :: All :: Pending hidden by default.
- Added Expected Ship Date column in Sales :: All :: List hidden by default.
Sales and Invoice
- Added a new “Service Fee” column in several reports.
- Added an optional “Customer PO#” columns on all Shipping’s lists.