DOit 3.65.2 | Release Notes

In this new version of DOit, some error were fixed along with some ajustments.


Fixed a rare error involving the Communication Services feature when opening a contact’s record
Is Public field in Contacts :: Record is now only visible in pharma flavor.


Setting a new Service Fee value in Invoices :: Out :: Record when creating the Invoice will automatically add the Service Fee to the related Sales :: Record.


New “Abbreviated New Drug Application” and “Non-disclosure agreement” fields. They can be enabled in multiple listings:

Note: All Product records comes with both fields enabled.

Products: List 1 , List 2 and Replenish.

E-commerce: Products and Add products to the webstore pop-up.
Invoice, Purchases, Receiving, Sales and Shipping: Record’s Items tab.


Added custom start date for tasks in Projects :: All :: Record :: Tasks when clicking the confirm create task button.