In this new version of DOit, some error were fixed along with some adjustments and features. Calendar From now on, each project has a calendar where its events are displayed. Finances Fixed an error while duplicating financial records with an empty due date. Fixed an error while printing Detailed Checks...

In this new version of DOit, some error were fixed along with some adjustments and features. Admin Created titles for checkbox columns at Admin :: Templates :: List Finances Fix error while filtering financial records by a range of dates in Finances :: Payments :: Receivables and Finances ::...

DOit is always looking for services that can add value to our customers. We understand that decision-making is part of everyone's daily activities. How can we help improve it? DOit has an incredible amount of data related to your business. Mining data and showing it quickly...

In this new version of DOit, some error were fixed along with some ajustments. Contacts Fixed a rare error involving the Communication Services feature when opening a contact's record Is Public field in Contacts :: Record is now only visible in pharma flavor. Invoices Setting a new Service Fee value...