28 Dec DOit 3.35.x | Release Notes
This version of DOit addresses multiple interface issues and report / export adjustments. It contains a much requested feature, The ability to manually add a tracking # to a shipping order. This feature allows you to inform not only the tracking # but the URL as well. Like other tracking created vie FedEx and UPS integration, the information is included in the invoice and the link is active if a URL was provided.
DOit 3.35
- NEW FEATURE Added the ability to create shipments/tracking numbers manually into the shipping order.
DOit 3.35.1
- Moved cancel icon to the rightmost position in Shipping :: Record.
- Moved cancel icon to the rightmost position in Invoices :: Out :: Record.
- Added notification before cancel invoice.
- Includes the ship to contacts’ emails on the invoice when composing a message for a drop shipping, and the bill to is marked as $ Billing.
DOit 3.35.2
- Restricts products quantity value on inventory decrement modal, only accepting values greater than zero.
- Fixed problem in the Inventory Valuation report.
DOit 3.35.3
- Alerts when the user tries to send an event invitation without an email account configured.
- Adjusts Choose shipping address modal window height.
DOit 3.35.4
- Fixed the advanced search layout when the filter label is lengthy.
- Event changes were not being taken into consideration when saving events that had their location removed.
- Fixed an error that occurred when stopping an activity without a start or end date.
- Added Invoice and PO Number columns to the Inventory Levels Excel spreadsheet.
- Added a link to the supplier record when clicking the name column on Products :: Record :: Supplier.
DOit 3.35.5
- Adjusted the width of the account and the description fields on Contacts :: History :: $.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing users from decreasing stock using decimal quantities.
- Added Yes/No options to the final cost field in the spreadsheet template to upload suppliers in bulk.
- Added Web Store column on Sales :: $ (Ordered Items, Ordered Items (With Net Cost), Sales $, Sales $ (Avg.) and on Sales :: All :: List (Ordered and Ordered Items exports).
- Adjusted the width of the reference field on Sales :: Record.
- Added search and sort options to the total column on Shipping :: All Items.
- Added Created By column to the Shipment export on Shipping :: Shipments.